Tattoos in the workplace

According to recent analysis, some 26% of people have some form of tattoo and/or body art. Some tattoos might be hidden but increasingly more people are having visible body art on various parts of the body including face, neck, head, legs etc. Also, tattoos are very much a case of…you either love them or you […]
Christmas parties – the HR nightmare

It’s party time. The Christmas party should be fun and festive but for employers it can also be the worst nightmare with all the issues associated with unwanted advances, religious discrimination, drink driving, drugs, pictures on social media or dealing with the employee who fails to turn up the next day because they are too […]
11 Top Tips for Bonus Scheme Arrangements

It is very common for a business to have various bonus scheme arrangements and these will vary from very ad hoc, unstructured and informal schemes to highly measurable schemes with clear criteria for payment. So, if you’re thinking about introducing a Bonus scheme, what should you consider – here are our 11 top tips. Decide whether […]